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Fred Fugen Autobiography

Co-author and ghost writer of the autobiography of Fred Fugen: “Life in the Sky – the incredible story of a wingman”. Fred is a professional skydiver, base jumper, wingsuit pilot and Jetman pioneer. Having grown up in skydiving family, Fred and his team-mate Vince Reffet become the duo the most talented in the world.

The Wild Ride of the Belgian Nuns

In the 1990’s, a group of belgian nuns secretly sold their convent in Bruges and used the funds to finance a life of luxury : they used Private jets, bought limousines, even moved into a chateau in the south of France. But all was perhaps not as it seemed. The nuns were accompanied by a strange man. Was he their accomplice, valet, or their tormentor ?

Redemption Song

After spending twenty years in various English neo-Nazi groups, including the notorios C17, Nigel Bromage had an epiphany : Everything he believed in was wrong. He started over and rebuilt his life. Two decades on, he is helping others to rebuild theirs.