Fred Fugen Autobiography

Co-author and ghost writer of the autobiography of Fred Fugen: “Life in the Sky – the incredible story of a wingman”. Fred is a professional skydiver, base jumper, wingsuit pilot and Jetman pioneer. Having grown up in skydiving family, Fred and his team-mate Vince Reffet become the duo the most talented in the world.

Les images perdues du premier pas sur la lune

Le 21 juillet 1969, lors de la mission Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong et Buzz Aldrin foule pour la première fois de l’humanité la surface lunaire. Au même moment, sur terre, plus d’un demi-milliard de personnes assiste à cet événement historique en direct à la télévision.

Mais comment ces images ont-elles pu être retransmises en direct à la télévision ? Comment ont-ils réussi cette prouesse technique ? Les images diffusées étaient-elles d’origine ? Et si des images de bien meilleures qualité existaient quelque part ?

Napoli Campione

Death of Queen Elizabeth II

Fair Winds

In March 2021, the Ever Given, a 400-meter container ship, found itself across the Suez Canal for a week, blocking 422 boats and 10% of world trade. On top of being difficult to handle, ships like the Ever Given are responsible for 3% of CO2 emissions worldwide, a figure destined to increase by 2050. Yet a natural and free alternative is available: the wind. In Brittany, Grain de Sail, a French roaster, chocolatier and organic wine carrier is betting on it to cross the Atlantic.

Saved by Wheelie

For these young Londoners, every spare minute is an opportunity to ride through London at full pelt, their front wheels lifted up in the air, all the while accomplishing seemingly impossible tricks one after the other. They embody the bikelife, a new cycling discipline that is so much more than a sport. For these youngsters, it is a way to escape gang violence and dream of a brighter future. Today, what was once a secluded and small movement, has spread all the way to the Queen, who invited some of them to parade during her platinum Jubilee.

Adama Forever

In 2016, Adama Traoré, a 24 year old French man, died whilst in police custody in the Paris suburbs. No police officer has ever been convicted and the case, sometimes referred to as the ‘France’s George Floyd movement’, has become a symbol of the fight against police violence in the country. Seven years on, Foulden Road Part II, the latest EP from jazz and house producer Fred N’Thepe pays tribute to the young man as well as his sister’s ongoing legal battle. Originally from Saint-Denis but now based in South London, Neue Grafik pursues his exploration of London’s cultural mix by featuring poets and rappers to recount their experiences as black people today.

Enquête : Jeunesse, retour à la politique

Plus de 40 % d’abstention chez les moins de 34 ans lors du premier tour de la présidentielle. Résultat : on les dit dépolitisé·es, désengagé·es. Les jeunes, terme fourre-tout, sont une cible récurrente des politicien·nes qui, de leur propre aveu, ne savent plus très bien comment les mobiliser depuis des années. Mais ont-ils pour autant déserté la politique ?

Les canaux d’engagement et de politisation sont divers, et la jeunesse d’aujourd’hui n’a peut-être tout simplement pas eu besoin des réseaux traditionnels pour trouver des moyens de se repolitiser. Serait-ce le signe que c’est cette ancienne génération qui a perdu le contact ?

Une enquête en deux épisodes.

The Wild Ride of the Belgian Nuns

In the 1990’s, a group of belgian nuns secretly sold their convent in Bruges and used the funds to finance a life of luxury : they used Private jets, bought limousines, even moved into a chateau in the south of France. But all was perhaps not as it seemed. The nuns were accompanied by a strange man. Was he their accomplice, valet, or their tormentor ?

The Movement Archive

Every day thousands of people die. But how did they move? How did they walk? How did they hold their cup of coffee? In the Netherlands, Katja Heitmann, a German choreographer, has found the answer so that these movements are never forgotten. Her project is called Motus Mori, and it is the first living archive of human movement.